"" Three Ladies and a Dad: Long story short...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Long story short...

I'm fine! Yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment in St. Louis for this lump on my jawline that has been there about six weeks. Last week, I was told it could be one of three things. I had an ultrasound yesterday and it showed that is was an inflamed muscle. The protocol? Just watch it and call them if anything changes. Woo-hoo!

As we were leaving the hospital, we got rear-ended. Perfect! That put us back an hour and a half. By the time we ate lunch and picked up the girls, I had about thirty minutes before heading off to class.

Did I mention I was going on four hours of sleep?

That makes for a long day.

And we still have not got scores back on our test. Seriously, what is taking so long?

Other than that, life is good. I have a few fun posts coming up by I need pictures. My camera is messed up...the battery light is always on and it just dies. I will figure something out though.

As the saying goes, it is always something.


JennyLee said...

I'm glad the issue with your jaw wasn't overly serious. I agree, there is always something but hey we would be bored otherwise right! lol

Whitney @ I'm Lovin This Life said...

I knew it would turn out okay! So glad it did =)

You can use MY camera. I'm just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Seriously.
