"" Three Ladies and a Dad: Super Bowl

Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl

I like baseball. More particularly - the Cardinals. I am not much of a football person. It is not that I do not enjoy watching it, but let's just say I would enjoy it a lot more if I knew what in the heck was going on! With that being said, I chose to root for the underdogs - The New York Giants. I had AWANA yesterday so I missed the first part of the game. But the part that I did see - from the Halftime Show on - was great! You can get into any game if the teams play like that! (Plus, I was doing homework so anything could distract me!)

And now, for the best part of the game. Here are the Top Five Super Bowl Commercials.

Super Tuesday is tomorrow. I am not sure who vote for yet...I am still doing some research. I found this website that allows you to look at most of the issues and it matches them to your ideal candidate. At this time, I am not well-informed enough to make an educated decision on who to vote for in the primary. Hopefully, this tool will help me. Don't forget to vote!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I had no idea who I was going to vote for today, I am horrible about watching the debates. Thanks to your web find I was able to decide. :)
