"" Three Ladies and a Dad: Cochineal, anyone?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cochineal, anyone?

I subscribe to a newsletter, Green Living. They publish and e-mail articles about living a 'greener' life. This weeks topic was on Easter egg dyes. They mentioned a few of the ingredients in dyes - coal tar and carminic acid. What is carminic acid, you ask? As the article states, it comes from dried, crushed bodies of pregnant female scale insects called cochineal. Yuck.

This year, we are going to try the alternatives they suggests. Just to name a few, you can boil some water and add some red onion skin for red color, yellow onion for yellow, spinach for green...etc.

Jeremy has not quite jumped on this bandwagon with me yet. This should be interesting.

On another note, I plan on starting a garden this year. I will definitely need to purchase this. Having a garden means I won't have to buy organic food, I will just grow them! Sounds easy, right?

Plan on a lot of entertaining pictures coming!

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