"" Three Ladies and a Dad: Hips don't lie...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hips don't lie...

I scheduled my extra motivation today. I called the spa and booked a one hour massage and a facial appointment for early April. (I exchanged my present on this instead.) Why is this motivation?

I want to feel okay when I am laying on the massage table. And not worry about what the massage therapists is wondering...

I am having a hard time getting up at 4:45 in the morning. Something that might be causing that is me not going to bed until 11:00.

What can I say? I am a night owl.

But I want to be a morning person. How do I train my body to become that?

That is the million dollar question, internets.


SarahHub said...

4:45? Let me know when you figure it out! I think Ethan is trying to get me on the same kind of schedule!

Whitney @ I'm Lovin This Life said...

When you find out, let me know :)

Hattie said...

I'm just wanting to wake up at 5:30 and can't do it! Just not a morning person. I've heard it said that it takes 21 days of doing something to form the habit, so good luck!

Diane said...

Hi! I'm a newcomer here. Why do you need to get up at 4:45?

I was not a morning person for most of my life. Then during a difficult period, I started going to daily Mass every morning. It made me get out of bed and I was awake and fed by the time I got home. Now I plan my schedule around it. It appears that I needed something to motivate me to get out of bed.

gv said...

Girl, I used to be that way and then I met hubs who is NOT a morning person. Well, our household can NOT handle two grumpy morning people so I slowly transitioned!
