Dear Macie,
Oh Macie! How do I even begin this letter? You are our firstborn, our 'guinea pig', our oldest. From day one, you have always had to have attention. Maybe it was because you were Momma Donna and Papa Dave's first grand baby, or Ninny and Pop's first grand baby in about 10 years. Either way, you loved and ate up everything!
Once I found out you were on your way, I was so scared. Your dad and I were just kids ourselves. Once you came, we all three grew together. You taught us responsibility like nothing we have ever experienced. You had your moments as a baby, most do. You had colic and kept us up all hours of the night. If it was any other child, I am not sure I could continue with it. But since you were mine, I wanted nothing more than to continue to be your mother.
You taught us what unconditional love for your children feels like. You tested and still test us daily. But even in those moments, through the hardest of struggles with you, I can feel nothing but love for you.
You are definitely a talker. As a phrase goes, you get it honest from your dad. While at the Magic House, I read the average four year old ask an average of 437 questions a day. I don't doubt it! There are moments I would just like silence, but then I try to remember that some people would love to have a little girl asking questions instead of silence. Nothing gets by you, Macie. You listen to everything and always ask questions. Continue to do that, it is the only way you will learn.
This year may have been the hardest for me. You started kindergarten, which is great! As your mom though, I worry. You are so sensitive and get your feelings hurt easily and I know how school can be. However, like always, you shocked me. You have handled everything that is put in front of you like a little girl should. You make me so proud!
So many things you do remind me of myself now. You cry at movies, like when Simba's dad dies in The Lion King. You are constantly on the go, but you can blame you? Your parent's are too. You have to be involved in everything, from cooking to talking to whomever I am talking to on the phone. I can't say that every day is easy, but I cannot look back on way day of your life and not think of a good memory shared with you. I pray you grow up happy and healthy. Continue acting like a little girl. I pray you also continue to want to learn, whether it be general school things or deeper meaning things, such as God. You have helped your daddy and I grow in ways you will never be able to understand. I love you with all my heart.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy Birthday Macie!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
1:37 PM
Labels: Letters to My Children
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas 2007
The last week or so has been busy, active, and crazy. Holidays = non stop hustle and bustle. I just couldn't get into the spirit this year. I was at first, but then it just dwindled down. Everything that is usually fun and exciting was just another thing on the to-do list. Something was definitely 'off' this year. I hope next year is better. But, in the end, it all turned out great!
Last week, Macie had her Christmas party for school. And me, being the great mother I am, (wink, wink) was the one in charge. We played a few games, which I have a great one if anyone needs ideas for next year, ate yummy treats and pizza, and had goody bags. I was stressing, as usual. The holidays for some reason crept up on me and I am a million things to do and little time to get it all done. But it got done! Miraculously, it always gets done. Thanks mom for your help!
Saturday morning, we woke up and started on our gingerbread house. I have always wanted to do one of these with the girls, but have never got around to actually buying a kit. There is no way I could hand make a house, so we got the kit. It was so much fun! I did the icing while the girls decorated it with the candy. It turned out really cute!
Jeremy took the girls to the mall for a while Monday afternoon so I could wrap presents. Here it was, Christmas Eve, and I hadn't even started. Whitney came up to help...thank you! We finished all of the gifts before the girls even walked in. Whew! One more thing I could check off the list.
We then went to my mom and dad's for Christmas Eve. Dinner was delicious - ham, pork chops, fresh green beans, brussel sprouts, crescent rolls, baby carrots, mashed potatoes, kettle beef...the list goes on and on! After stuffing our belly's, we opened gifts. The girls and Ethan came out like champs...Thanks mom and dad! Us girls got quite a bit also. Mom and Dad still spend the same amount, if not more, on us now as they did when were little. Plus the grand kids. You do too much! Thank you!
Christmas morning, we opened gifts at home. The girls came out again like champs! A blow up jump around thing, scooters, games, puzzles, Diego, baby dolls is among some of the toys Santa delivered. Then went to my grandma and pop's. A great time was had by all. It is always nice to just sit around and catch up with family you don't see as often as you like.
Then it was off for another Christmas celebration at Jeremy's mom and dad's. We ate some more, only this time it was fried chicken, swete potatoe casserole, corn, rolls, yummy cheese dip, and fresh veggies. Then talked some more and opened even more presents. They do way to much for us all as well! The kids love all of their toys! Our living room looks like the Wal-Mart toy isle exploded in it. Tonight, my mission is to open and organize their gifts. I am starting a 'trial run' of a new method for the toy room clean up time.
So that is all for now. I hope all of you had a memorable Christmas!
I apologize, this post was not very interesting or in depth, just wanted to jot down our holiday schedule while it was fresh on my mind.
Macie turns 6 on Friday...time for another letter! Stay tuned....
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
11:29 AM
Labels: Holidays
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Crazy: may refer to a state of general mental disorder or insanity.
I have so many things I want to post but my mind is so overloaded with information and that always growing to-do list that I cannot think clear.
To help, I will take advantage of my Christmas bonus (!!!!) with a little retail therapy. I got full permission from my dear husband to spend it however I choose.
Watch out!
(Source: Wikepedia)
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
1:43 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Cute Little Tails
Macie had her Christmas program at school last night. Due to the seating issues they had, we don't have the greatest pictures. In the picture above Macie is the third one from the right, all perched up. The kindergarten class sang a few songs. The boys were donkeys and cows, while the girls were sheep. They even had tails and ears! They did such a good job and it was so cute. I have it all on video and if I can figure out how to post it on here, I will.
Here are a few more pictures:
Here is one of Zoa, playing with my mom's glasses. I think my mom was putting chapstick on her. She loves playing with lip gloss and chapstick, which she refers to as "lips".
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
11:02 AM
Labels: Holidays, Macie, School Days
Monday, December 17, 2007
The First Snow of the Season
We finally got some snow! I am a snow lover, but I like it when it really snows. Nontheless, our girls took full adavantage of the weather and played outside Sunday morning. They had a lot of fun, even though it was so cold. The wind was horrible. Here a the few pictures I was able to take. They aren't the greatest because we still don't have a real camera, so I am using my phone.

Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
11:08 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Spreading the Christmas Cheer
Last night, as planned, Jeremy and I completed most of our Christmas shopping. (Thank you Whitney for watching the girls!) After Target, we went to Sam's Club to see if they had any toys. While we were browsing, I went to see if they had Eat, Pray, Love. The author, Elizabeth Gilbert, has been on Oprah two times discussing the book and I have always wanted to get it and read it. After having marriage problems that ultimately ended in divorce, she lost focus on herself and went on a worldwide journey to find herself again. She went to Italy to eat, India to pray, and Indonesia to learn to love again.
I picked the book up and went to check out. Jeremy stayed back to pay while I went to get the car. He came out and told me that a family wanted to buy it for him. After much hesitation, and explaining that it was his wife's book, he allowed them to purchase it. We told each other we have to pay it forward now.I saw them leaving and after telling them thank you, they told us to have a Merry Christmas.
Isn't that what Christmas is all about?
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
11:12 AM
Labels: Holidays
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The Joy of Christmas Shopping
Tonight, Jeremy and I will be on a quest to start and finish our Christmas shopping. For some reason, I did not start early, as in the day after Thanksgiving. Now, we are lagging. The girls have their little things they are into. So I am sure Macie will be getting a lot of Hannah Montana stuff.
She also like High School Musical. I have to admit, it is a little strange to think my child likes something with "High School" in it, but it is better that some other stuff she used to like. You can only watch Dora so many times before you start to lose your mind! Zoa is another story. She is getting to that point where she likes Dora, Diego, and Boots, oh my! She loves Diego, the poor child has always preferred males to females, so I am sure she will be recieving a lot of him. She is also enjoying baby dolls more. She knows how to 'feed' them, 'change' them....and so on. They both really want this baby doll that swims whenever you put her in water and since I like getting them bathtub toys, I bet they will get this. It is a cool concept, as soon as she hits the water, she takes off swimming. At least that's what she does in the commercial. We will see if she really 'takes off' at home. This could be a big disappointment.
And this, this is something I would buy if I had money and desperately needed something to spend it on. The Wii is sooo much fun!
Ahhhh, the days of a disposable income!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
12:59 PM
Labels: Holidays, Joys of Motherhood
Monday, December 10, 2007
We are normal after all!
I took Zoa to the doctor today and basically her feet turn slightly inward. This is comfortable for her so naturally she will trip over herself quite often. If the problem does not correct itself by the age of 5, then we will discuss further options. As for her fingers and such, she is just super-sensitive.
She is in the 90th percentile for her weight and 95th percentile for her height. (We have tall babies!) "Perfectly proportionate." :)
And that's that.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
3:20 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Prayers please...
I have a prayer request. I called the doctor about Zoa always falling. She doesn't fall really, but just trips all the time. I talked to her pre-school teacher and she has noticed she is definitely more apt to fall than the other children there her age. For goodness sakes, she has a knot on top of her other knot on the same spot the concussion was. She also has a bruise from another knot she got. I am going to get her checked out on Monday to make sure everything is okay becasue I know this could be a sign of something worse. She also is really sensitive when it comes to her arms and legs. Her teacher said if someone accidently steps on her fingers, Zoa cries more than any other child would, like she got them broken. She has always been extremely picky when it comes to different textures so I don't know if this is related or not. I am doing this just to be on the safe side...
I would appreciate any and all prayers that everything goes well and I don't give the doctors the impression that I am an overreacting parent. I really think it is nothing but if it did turn out to be something, I would never forgive myself. Hopefully, we just have an accident prone child who has a low pain tolerance.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
2:07 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
It's that time of year...
It is so cold outside. Yesterday morning was 47 degrees when I got in my car and mid-afternoon it was 34 degrees. Brrr. I hate cold weather. Unless, there is snow and ice. Then I love it! My poor girls still have not been able to build a decent snowmen. Maybe, one day.
Last night, I was on the phone with a few customers (Herbalife) and in between calls, Macie wanted to read to me. I told her I can walk around and listen at the same time and she went crazy! I told her to calm down and sit at the table where I will join her. She looked up at me and said "I am overreacting, aren't I?" Ha! Ha! I have no idea where she learned that...she said she just knows it.
I finally put everything down and took the girls to look at Christmas lights while Jeremy was still at small groups. We just simply drove around and they were the happiest children! It was somewhat realxing to me so it worked out perfect!
Once we were home, it was bathtime, snacks, and laundry. It never seems to go away...just like Zoa's knot. She tripped and fell again last night on our hardwood floor and got a new knot on top of her old knot. Shocker.
Tomorrow's Friday...woo-hoo!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:41 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Zoa's Birthday Party, Movies, and Christmas Lights, Oh My!
Like a mentioned before, Zoa's birthday party was a huge success! The birthday girl requested Diego, balloons, and cupcakes. She was very happy and excited. She kept asking me when we are going to sing Happy Birthday to Zoa? It was so much fun. We had a small crowd which included aunts, uncles, grandparent's, great-grandparent's, cousins, and friends. I only have a few pictures today, so I apologize if you don't see your picture on here. Thank you mom for the spaghetti. It was great! Whitney and dad, thanks for the pictures!

After that, we went to see the house on Kent Street. If you live around my area, you will know what I am talking about. This house set up their Christmas lights to blink to the beat of the music on a certain radio station. It has become something for us to do whenever we pass the area.
That's about all for now! Have a good Monday!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:26 AM
Labels: Happy Birthday
Friday, November 30, 2007
I have added a subscription box. It is in the left sidebar. Just enter your email and voila! posts get e-mailed to your inbox. Also, I started a blogroll, which is in the sidebar as well. Check it sister is the only one on it currently.
Zoa's birthday party was a huge success! As soon as I get some pictures, I will post more in detail.
I'm not feeling to happy today...I hate anxiety. Especially when you do not even know what you are anxious about.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
12:23 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Zoa!
Dear Zoa,Today you turn 3. Three! What a fun three years it has been! Ever since you surprised your daddy and I, it has been nothing but fun! You are such a bundle of joy! When you smile, your eyes sparkle. And I really mean sparkle. We have had strangers stop and tell us we should put you in a magazine because of those eyes. I hope you realize one day that you have brought so much happiness into our lives. Macie is so proud to have you as a little sister. And you brought your daddy and I together in ways nobody will ever know.
I remember when we brought you home from the hospital. Your daddy and I looked at each other and thought, "What are we going to do now? We have two. We were scared with one...and now there is two!". I know God must have heard us because you were the best baby. You slept through the night after 2 weeks! Just like we did with Macie, we popped out of bed that first night you slept until morning. We were terrified thinking what we would find. There you were, sleeping safe and sound. You have always liked your sleep. You are our night owl. You like to stay up late and watch movies and sleep until 10:00. Mommy loves that on the weekends!
You helped us realize that health should not be taken for granted. I took you to the doctor and Dr. Connie wanted us to get an X-Ray of your head to make sure nothing was in there that shouldn't be. The results came back and I got a phone call at work. They told me fluid was in between your scull and brain. I melted. I left work. I could not focus. It was one of the most terrifying things we have ever heard. Just as your doctor said it might do, your body absorbed the fluid and nothing ever came of it. I still get tears in my eyes thinking back to that day.To this day, you still have problems with your head. You're motto should be "Life Hard, Wear a Helmet!". You have had more bumps, bruises, black eyes, a concussion, followed by a hematoma, scrapes, and scratches than any
2 3 year old I know. You must be physically stubborn as well!
I have tried to be extra patient with you. I realized that you may be our last baby and I tried to capture all the memories with you I could when you were oh-so-tiny. Now that you are a big girl, you like to do your own thing. You are such a independent little toddler. You do not care what anyone else is doing. You will do what you want. You love movies and Macie cannot sit still long enough to watch one. It is somewhat comical to watch you two play. Regardless of age, you make the rules.
You have a distinct personality - you know what you want and you want it that exact moment. I hope this trait will be used for your benefit throughout your life. I, myself, has that very same trait. I guess that is something a younger or middle child might have. If there is one trait of mine that I could have passed down, I would have chose this one. It can take you so far in life. Perseverance.
I pray that we have many years together but in this world, nothing is promised. This is why I chose to write these letters to you and Macie. Each year, on your birthday, you will get a letter. Maybe, just maybe, when I am old and gray, we can sit and read them and laugh.
I Love You!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:35 AM
Labels: Letters to My Children
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Fruits and Veggies are a Must!
I have been contemplating on whether to post this or not, but since she is only 2, almost 3, I thought it was worth it because it's super cute and funny! Sunday night, we had Thanksgiving with Jeremy's family. The kids were sooo good, playing with each other and doing their own little thing. Zoa comes dashing through the dining room, yelling "I have to go potty!" Jeremy walks with her to the bathroom and she starts to do her thing. She was having a bit of trouble, I suppose, because Jeremy comes out and tells me to go in there with her. I walk in and ask her what's wrong. Her response: "I need to eat more fuits and begtables". (It's not spelled wrong, that's what she said!) I started cracking up.
So, that's that. I am sorry if that is offensive to anyone. :) I do get some relief from hearing my 2 year old that she needs to eat her 'fruits and begtables'. She truly is one of a kind.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
11:11 AM
Birthday Party!
Last night, our family celebrated Jeremy's birthday. We went out to dinner, and I must say, my kid's have good taste. They chose Shogun and it was delicious! After dinner, Macie and I went home to finish the cake we baked for Jer. Once it was all done, Jeremy and Zoa came home and we all ate dessert after Jeremy and the girls blew out his candle. I was kind of scared since I don't bake often but everything was good. At least Zoa thought so!
I did my usual thing I do when I do bake...instead of adding the oil and eggs and water to the cake mix, add 12 oz of diet soda. That's all! It turns out great every time! You could make a root beer cake with white cake mix and diet root beer, diet sprite in a lemon cake...etc. The options are unlimited!
This week will be a little crazy. We have Zoa's birthday on Thursday. We are not too sure what is going on yet, we just have people saving the date. All we know is she wants Dora and Diego and cupcakes. This was her request. I can't wait for those pictures!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:28 AM
Labels: Happy Birthday
Monday, November 26, 2007
Happy Birthday Jeremy!
Today is Jeremy's birthday. I wanted to make a post for him telling him how much we all adore him. You are the 'best dad ever' and I could not have picked a better husband.We love you daddy! He told me last night that we need a 5 car garage. I asked why and he told me that Zoa told him she is going to get him a race car and Macie said she is going to get him a convertible. Wow! I can't wait for my birthday!
This past weekend was busy with holidays and Christmas decorations. I will post details later when I have some pictures.
Happy Monday!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:48 AM
Labels: Happy Birthday
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Give Thanks...
I know I have mentioned before how precious Macie and Zoa's prayers are. Last night, Jeremy and I were putting the girls to bed, which means a book, prayers, hugs and kisses. Macie was praying and never forgets to thank God for something. Sometimes, I find when I pray I do nothing but ask. I think it is only fair to thank God for something.
On that note and since it is Thanksgiving Eve, here are a few things of many for which I am thankful:
* My family and their health. I try not to take this for granted until it is too late.
* My friends. I have a variety of friends and each of them are unique, which is why I love them.
* Spring days. To me, they symbolize new years and fresh starts. Besides gorgeous weather.
* Being married. I feel complete now.
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:47 AM
Labels: Holidays
This year, we are doing Thanksgiving at my mom and dad's house. My mom plans on making a whole table full of food, complete with dressing, turkey, ham and chicken and dumplings (Count 'em, that's 4 entrees!) My sisters and I are bringing some sides. This recipe I received from a night group from church and it is delicious! I love it! Best of all, you only spend 15 minutes (!) making it. If you are a mom, you truly appreciate this. So, I thought I would share in case anyone needs an idea for their thanksgiving...
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes
Makes: 10 servings, one slice each
Turtle Pumpkin Pie- Recipe from Kraft
*1 c. milk
*1/4 c. plus 2 tbsp. caramel ice cream topping, divided
*1 Graham Pie Crust (6 oz.)
*1/2 c. plus 2 tbsp. pecan pieces
*2 pkg. Jell-O Vanilla Instant Pudding and Pie Filling
*1 c. canned pumpkin
*1 tsp. ground cinnamon
*1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1 large tub of Cool Whip , thawed and divided
Pour 1/4 c. caramel topping into the crust, sprinkle with 1/2 the pecans. Beat milk, dry pudding mixes, pumpkin and spices with a whisk until blended. Stir in 1 1/2 cups of the whipped topping. Spread into crust. Refrigerate for 1 hour. Top with remaining whipped topping, caramel topping and pecans just before serving. Store leftovers in the refrigerator.
(To help with all the sweets and calories, I will use Fat Free Cool whip and and fat free, sugar free Jell-O. I omitted the pecans.)
I will post a picture tomorrow evening.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:17 AM
Labels: Recipes
Monday, November 12, 2007
I Pledge Allegiance...
I have been meaning to get on here and post this, and I think since today is Veterans Day, it is the best day to do so. Macie has learned the Pledge of Allegiance and feels the need to honor the flag anywhere we see it. This can be very sweet, but she does it everywhere! We go to the post office every afternoon and she might take a few letters to the outside drop off for me. Imagine it, she is in front of the flag outside, standing with her hand on her chest saying her Pledge of Allegiance. She says it in the car as we pass the park. We have a flag in our yard and she will say it when we get home. Any flag, anywhere. She is definitely not shy or ashamed. I guess that is a good thing, right? I think we have a little girl who is very proud to be an American.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
3:11 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Changing and Re-arranging
About a month ago, Jeremy and I bought a new TV. We were at his sister and BIL's house and they just bought a 50" plasma. Jeremy decided right then and there he was going to get one. Something we have always wanted but never just went and bought. And me, being a girl who loves to spend money on anything, reminded him daily about it until we got one.
After we bought the television, we needed a new stand for the TiVo box and DVD player. We were shopping and while shopping for that, started looking at new living room furniture. We were taking second looks at the things we picked out and that is when the 'mom' in me kicked in. Before we get us furniture, we should get the girls new bedroom furniture. *Sigh*
Right then and there, we took on a project. We bought the furniture - two twin beds plus a nightstand along with a dresser and mirror, to be exact. (They share a room now so we can have a toy room.) We bought paint. We bought new bedding. We bought a matress and two box springs. We bought chair rails and crown molding. We bought wall lettering. Oh my. This was beginning to turn into a small fortune.
It is amazing how when you are a parent, you always put your kids first. As parent's, you find joy in getting your children new things. Making sure they have what they need, and in most cases, what they want. I find more joy going to BabyGap than buying myslef something. And the most crazy part of it all is that it just happens. You don't force yourself to give up anything. You don't force anything. You just do, without thinking twice.
I remember as a child how my mom would never go shopping for herself. And my sisters and I would always say, "Go by your outfit mom." I don't need this. But she never did. And I know if my sweet girls could understand all of this, they would tell me to do the same.
But, back to the point of the story...the television has sparked some motivation in our home. Let's paint this, we can add this in this room, we need to get one of these. If I would have know that Jeremy would turn into a guy who who doesn't mind pink and green walls in our daughters' room, we could have bought the television years ago.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
6:40 PM
Labels: Joys of Motherhood
Monday, November 5, 2007
My 100 Things
Many bloggers post 100 things about themselves. Here's mine:
1. I am a middle child.
2. Both the younger and older are girls.
3. I love having sisters.
4. My parent's are great.
5. My mom is one of my best friends.
6. I have 2 daughters.
7. They keep me on my toes.
8. My calendar is jam packed with things going on.
9. I am a planner.
10. Children forces you to become one.
11. Married to Jeremy.
12. Most people thought we would never do it but we did.
13. I don't live in a fairy tale but am very happy the way my life turned out thus far.
14. I love to shop...anywhere. The mall, Wal-Mart, Target...
15. I love to give more. I wish I had more money to do that.
16. I get up way too early but always run late. This is why I never fix my hair on weekdays.
17. I am a Christian.
18. I can honestly say I enjoy church now. It feels great.
19. Both of my children were surprises.
20. I refuse to refer to my children as uh-ohs, boo-boos...or any other reference like that.
21. I believe they brought Jeremy and I closer than ever.
22. I am very strong-willed. If I want something, I find a way to get it.
23. This can be good and bad.
24. I am a perfectionist. Jeremy is not.
25. That causes me some stress.
26. I am not a morning person. I never hear my alarm.Thank God Jeremy does!
27. I wish I was. I would love to be one of those women who wakes up early, drinks coffee and reads the paper. All after going on walk.
28. I put a lot of faith in people. Sometimes too much faith.
29. I love the smell if Heavenly by Victoria's Secret. Jeremy does, too. ;)
30. I want to jump out of a airplane. :) I am nuts like that.
31. I multi-task all the time. I have painted my nails in the drive-thru at the bank before. See, I am nuts!
32. I am very thankful for everything I have.
33. My life has improved so much since I started putting more faith in God. I always had it, but not really. I was fooling myself.
34. I wish I could quit work. Not to stay home and spend money, but to raise my kids.
35. I love massages. I had one once.
36. My mom & dad got it for me for my first Mother's Day. I told you I had great parent's.
37. I have 20/20 vision. I hope my kids will.
38. I cannot wait to build our new house. I hope I survive it.
39. I hear it is terror on relationships.
40. When I am mad I cannot sleep and I tend to clean.
41. Maybe Jeremy purposely makes me mad so i will do this. Hmmm.
42. I love sales! I call Beth when I find a bargain.
43. I love to cook and try new recipes. We have ordered a few pizzas after I tried some.
44. The song "Just Another Day in Paradise" describes our family to a "T".
45. I like all kids of music...except rap.
46. Some of it is just plain gross. And derogatory towards women.
47. And we wonder why men calls(ed) us names.
48. I am running out of ideas. *Thinking*
49. I love baseball season. The Cardinals are my fave.
50. I have become much more emotional since having children.
51. I cry over spilled milk. Well, not really.
52. My favorite color, or color combination is red and black.
53. My kitchen is my favorite place in our home.
54. It has red accents, black speckled coutertops, and stainless steel appliances.
55. I tell myself my dreams. I think you need to hear that you will do what you hope for.
56. I believe that what you eat can affect you in ways you don't think about. As they say, you are what you eat.
57. Jeremy gets mad because I make our kids are eat healthy food and he thinks they should eat what kids eat.
58. I want a cookbook by Seinfeld's wife. I forgot her name. I saw her on Oprah and loved it.
59. My car is always dirty. I think it is my destiny. Here is an accurate description of it: If we broke down, we could live for a few days out of my car alone.
60. I really do try to keep it clean, but the kids wear me out and by the time I get home, I don't like making trips back outside to unload.
61. I used to be addicted to sweet tea. It was my guilty pleasure. I recently gave up that addiction and drink nothing but water now.
62. I can see a drastic improvement in my skin.
63. I wear the infomercials make-up. You know, Bare Minerals.
64. I love it and will never wear anything else.
65. I am very thankful for my health and for my family's health.
66. Macie says the best prayers. They are so innocent.
67. Hearing them makes me miss childhood.
68. I love spring. The first few days of spring are the best.
69. I love to clean with my windows open. Ahhh, fresh air.
70. I am very blessed to have a flexible job. It allows me to pick Macie up and then she comes to the office with me until it is time to go home.
71. Zoa is learning how to pray and it is soo sweet.
72. My children fight about who will pray at suppertime.
73. I guess if you are going to argue, at least it is over that.
74. I fear so many things for my kids. Things I cannot prevent.
75. I wonder if I am good mom to them on a frequent basis.
76. I don't really care for chocolate. I only want it about once every six months.
77. Come to think of it, I don't really have a sweet tooth.
78. I love salty and crunchy foods. Potato chips....mmmmm.
79. I never buy junk food. If there is junk food in our house, then Jeremy went shopping.
80. And he heard about it.
81. I love the holidays and just relaxing with our family.
82. I also enjoy Sunday dinners at my parent's.
83. Mexico is my favorite vacation spot. There is just something about it.
84. I'm sure people think I am stuck up. The truth is I am afraid to go talking to people for fear of what they think of me.
85. I have 15 more to write. Think....
86. I want to be a child psychologist. I would love to help children.
87. I need to enroll in college again. just takes so much time.UPDATE: Re-enrolled and so glad I did!
88. My goal was to graduate by the time Macie started kindergarten. That did not happen obviously.
89. I love Outback Caesar salad. And yes, i know anchovies are in the dressing. It is still delicious.
90. I could not live without TiVo. If you don't have it, get it. It will change your life.
91. I get to watch so much after the kids go to bed.
92. I love paying bills.
93. I get anxious very easily.
94. I want to adopt a little boy.
95. I have recently started to de-clutter my house.
96. It makes me feel accomplished, which I enjoy.
97. I am 24 years old.
98. Jeremy is 30.
99. Age is just a number.
100. I am done!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
2:18 PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!!
Zoa got "booed" last night! All of her pre-school teachers dressed up and went to the homes of their students and handed out goody bags.
Jeremy and I knew about it but it was a surprise to the girls. The doorbell rang and we let the girls open the door. They got the shock of their life! Four masked people were at the door. Zoa flipped out! She was terrified! We tried to tell her who it was but she was not having it. She eventually calmed down and devoured her candy.
Tonight means more candy and late bedtimes. I will put some halloween pictures up tomorrow.
Be Careful and Happy Halloween!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:36 AM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
School Pictures
Macie got her school pictures back. I think they turned out so well. With school pictures, you obviously can't be there when they are taken so you get them dressed and ready then send them off and hope for the best! I have come to the conclusion that my kids take better pictures when I am not even there. Go figure!
It is crazy that we are officially starting school pictures. The girls have had them since they have been in pre-school but this is official. School pictures. Where did the time go? Sometimes I look at her and I can't believe she is ours. I can't believe how big she is.
They had a dress down day for picture day which Macie was so excited about! It's hilarious how excited she gets over a pair of jeans now that she cannot wear them everyday. But hey, what can I say? I am easily amused too!
Last night, the flu hit Macie full force. She stayed home with me much for the perfect attendance at school we were trying for.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:09 AM
Labels: Macie, School Days
Monday, October 29, 2007
For your viewing pleasure...
This is a small video of Zoa. We were sitting on the couch reading and Zoa wanted to count. (Be sure and listen at the very end!) Got to love my phone for fast pictures and videos because I love this!
Other than that, there is nothing too exciting going on in our home. We are in the process of re-doing the girls' room, which means steam cleaning, painting, and closet cleaning. Until we build, they are sharing a room since the other bedroom is filled with toys. After this, our next project is to clean that out to to make room for the holidays and birthdays. I will post pictures in a week of before and afters.
Oh! Beware...the stomache flu is going around. Yuck! Zoa had it last week and Macie is complaing a a tummy ache now. Good news is it doesn't last for long...however Macie always goes above and beyond. Last time she had the flu, we spent the weekend in a hospital room with her on IV's because she was so dehydrated. Hopefully, that won't happen again.
Have a good Monday!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
11:08 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Where did the trampoline go?
If you live anywhere close to where I do, you probably will know exactly what I am talking about. We got a bad storm a few nights ago - wind, rain, and thunder. The wind was especially bad but Jeremy or I didn't think to check our things outside before I left for work that morning. Needless to say, our mornings are a little hectic. Okay, a lot hectic.
After work, the girls and I had to do a few things and once we got home, I went to the backyard to check on the swing set and trampoline. I could not find the trampoline! I look down the street and it was mangled in someone else's fence...3 houses down! Ugh! (In this picture, our house is the white one in the upper right corner.) Jeremy had his night mapped out for him once he got home. The trampoline is now in pieces sitting in our garage. It's a good thing we got it on sale!
Have a good weekend!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:11 AM
Labels: Everyday Life
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Pure bliss...
My dad is brilliant. Although he may never admit it, he is one of those people that just know a little bit about everything and has never had an official class for anything. He just knows it. Computers, building, cars, woodworking....anything.
He put together this slideshow for Jeremy and I. He learned how to do this months ago but this was his first chance to do one for our immediate family members. Even though it is fuzzy on this blog, it is amazing and priceless. The songs you will hear were all a part of our wedding. Thanks you and I love you dad!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
11:38 AM
Labels: Husband and Wife
Coffee Apparel
Isn't is so funny how kids associate things? Last night, after bath time, Jeremy and I were getting the girls ready for bed. My mom has sent the girls home in some of her old shirts before and they love sleeping in them. Zoa looked at the shirt she had on and informed us that this was the shirt Momma Donna drinks coffee in. (The girls call my mom and dad Momma Donna and Papa Dave.) How funny! My mom just wears this shirt around the house, it's not like she goes to Starbucks in it. But Zoa remembers. She is getting so good at putting sentences together and her memory is amazing. I love it.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:45 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Macie has a fan club!
Macie's artwork will now be published online! The school informed us last week that they will now start publishing our child's artwork here.
You can comment on her pictures, join her fan club, and view most of her artwork from school. I am so excited! I'm sure she will think it is so neat to see her pictures on the computer and read what people write her. Everything gets approved by me so be nice...but could you be mean?
If you would like to take a look at it, you can comment me or email me and I will let you know her screen name. Her pictures will be up within the next few days and I will add some daily. I am not sure how often her school will add them.
Be sure to check it out and have a good week!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
1:32 PM
Labels: Macie, School Days
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
It's official...I'm a soccer mom.
Macie recently started her first soccer season. Even though she started mid-season and has had only one 'real' practice, she isn't doing too bad. She is a pretty timid girl to begin with so we just have to get her brave enough to get in and get the ball. She loves it though (and I love the uniform) and it gives her some physical exercise so all in all, we are happy with it. Their last game is this Saturday so I get my free Saturday's back to clean house. :) That makes me happy!!! Until spring when it starts all over again.....
We had to take Little Miss Zoa back to the doctor. That darn knot is not going down. Well, it has barely went down. Her doctor was afraid since it was soft, it could be a scull fracture. What!? They wanted her to come in and get an x-ray done. No big deal, right? Wrong! You try getting a 2 year old to lay still so a nice lady can take your picture with a big machine with a bunch of buttons that turn and make a light shine in your eyes. Good luck with that! We got the x-ray done (finally!) and thankfully, no fracture. She does however have a hemotoma. Basically blood has gathered in the bump and we have to wait for it to re-absorb back into her body. Poor Zoa. I think for her birthday she is getting a helmet.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Not just another knot....
So there I was, listening away at my small group for church last night, when the phone rings. I get told the phone was for me, which shocked me because nobody knew the number so I knew it had to be an emergency. Jeremy tells me Zoa hit her head again and they are taking her to the hospital to be checked out. She was at my mom and dad's at the time it happened and they said she was acting extremely "off" and her eyes were dilated. She was having a hard time walking and staying awake. Uh-oh.
The hospital wasn't all that bad. Zoa felt and acted fine once I made it there and Macie did her homework. ER rooms are never fun, but we have had worse experiences there than last night.
Zoa's name was finally called and the doctor came to check her out. Her diagnoses: A Concussion. She thinks that since the symptoms were completely gone 3 hours later, there was not internal damage. (Praise God!) She gave us the option of a CT Scan, but since Zoa would have to be sedated to have it, we opted out of that and are just watching her.
Zoa has always been the child who runs into things, falls, and bumps her head. But I never thought I would have a child who would have a concussion at the age of 2!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
7:38 AM