So...I promise promise promise this is not rigged...
The winner of the $50 Lisa Leonard Design giveaway is Whitney who said...
"I blogged about it!" does help to earn the extra entries!
Whitney, I sent you an email! Congratulations and thanks to those who entered!
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Winner...
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
12:51 PM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: Cousins
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
7:54 PM
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Nothing too major...
Life has been pretty routine lately. Work, unpack and get settled in, go to bed...and then do it all over the next day. Hopefully this week we will get everything settled and start to live a little. As you can tell, we are back to cooking on a normal basis which is huge for us. Eating out for two weeks on and really feels like it took a toll on my body.
Other than that and Zoa's double ear infection, nothing new has happened. I have all of my information together for the College of Nursing. (!) All I need are my reference letters and I am waiting for them in the mail. It is exciting to know that I will be starting school again in May. Whether or not it is at the College of Nursing, I do not know. But if it is not, then I will be taking classes that I will need for the program. I know that people have been getting accepted into the 2011 program which makes me think that this year's program is already full. We'll see...
Anything new with you?
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:19 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Uh oh....double ear infection.
Zoa is running a fever and is at the office with me. A four year old in an office for eight hours? Should be wonderful.
Pray for me.
Oh...and go tell Whitney's husband happy birthday!! No, seriously...go now.
(Went to the doctor...double ear infection. Poor Zoa...)
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
7:32 AM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Menu Plan Monday
Monday: Crock-Pot Pulled Pork (So excited about! It comes highly, highly recommended from Whitney)
Tuesday: Either leftover pulled pork burritos or Chicken Burritos

Thursday: (Madeover) Classic Lasagna and Caesar salad. I am making one for dinner and one for the freezer. If I feel like it, I will make bread sticks. (Scroll down on the bread stick link to Catherine's comment)

Sunday: Leftover Buffet
While you are here, be sure to check out my giveaway for a $50 Lisa Leonard Designs gift card to use in her online store!
Need some recipe ideas? Go to Laura's for more Menu Plan Monday.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:54 PM
Labels: Menu Planning
Bargain Meal of the Week: Kroger
Pork Sirloin Chops - $2.49/lb.
Kroger Brand Frozen Vegetables - $1.00
Buy 2 lbs. of pork sirloin chops for $4.98. Add a bag of frozen vegetables for $1.00.
Total: $5.98
Meal Idea: Easy! Grill the chops up with your favorite seasonings. Heat up a bag of frozen vegetables and add a side salad.
I hope you enjoy this bargain meal! Be sure and browse all of the Bargain Meals. While you are here, be sure to check out my giveaway for a $50 Lisa Leonard Designs gift card to use in her online store!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
6:36 PM
Labels: Kroger Bargain Meal of the Week
Bargain Meal of the Week: Aldi's
Ingredients: A lot of seafood is on sale this week at Aldi's. I chose to work with shrimp.
Deluxe Cooked Shrimp - $3.69
Meal Idea: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo
All of the ingredients are staples in my house so be sure and look before you buy!
I hope you enjoy this bargain meal! Be sure and browse all of the Bargain Meals. While you are here, be sure to check out my giveaway for a $50 Lisa Leonard Designs gift card to use in her online store!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
6:27 PM
Labels: Aldi's Bargain Meal of the Week
Bargain Meal of the Week: Schnuck's
Boneless, skinless chicken breast - $1.89/lb. (This is super cheap here!)
PictSweet Vegetables - $5 for 4 bags
Buy 2 lbs. of boneless, skinless breasts for $3.78. Add that to 2 bags of mixed veggies for $2.50.
Total: $6.28
Meal Idea: Chicken Pot Pie
I hope you enjoy this bargain meal! Be sure and browse all of the Bargain Meals. While you are here, be sure to check out my giveaway for a $50 Lisa Leonard Designs gift card to use in her online store!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
6:17 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Friday Night Out
Woo-hoo! I finally have my internet back! I am not going to lie, I was missing my e-mail so I set my phone up so I can check it at night. It just was not enough. Now that our house is smaller, there is less to clean so I have a feeling I will have more time on my hands. It will just feed my addiction to this computer! Nonetheless...
Tomorrow night we are off to see our first 3D movie with the girls, Caroline. I am really excited...there have been so many 3D movies out lately and this is the first one we have a chance to see. It might be a bit much for Zoa, but she loves her movies so I think she will do fine.
Saturday, I am having a girls day, or afternoon. Facials (hopefully if we can get an appointment) and then a late lunch/early dinner of sushi. Yum! Desera and I plan on bringing some sushi back to the boys and then we are just going to have a low key night with them. Looking forward to it! sure and get your 20 free prints from Walgreen's! It is Friday, February 19 only and you have to use code ONEDAY. I am not sure if you will have to pay anything if you pick them up in the store, but you might want to see so you can avoid shipping charges. And just because I love magazines...
2 free issues of Family Circle
Free subscription to Soap Opera Digest
Free subscription to Elle Decor
That's all for now...I hope you enjoy your weekend!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:48 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Lisa Leonard Designs Giveaway (Updated...You pick what you want!!) *CLOSED*
Great news! Remember when I told you about Lisa Leonard Designs and how I ordered one of her fantastic necklaces? Lisa has offered to give away
her featured design for February to one of my readers! a $50 gift certificate to her online store!!
These necklaces are great. It is the one necklace I could wear with any outfit in my closet because they are so versatile. I wear my necklace five times a week, minimum, and it has still held up and looks brand new.
Enough about mine, let's get on to the giveaway so you can have a chance at your own! In order to enter, just go check out Lisa's website, Lisa Leonard Designs, and come back here and comment telling me which piece of her handmade jewelry you would love to own. That's it!Please read the fine print and ways to earn additional entries. Leave your email address in each comment so I have a way of contacting you. This contest will end on Friday, February 27 at 12:00 p.m. A winner will be chosen randomly at this time. Good Luck!!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:43 AM
Labels: Giveaways and Reviews
Monday, February 16, 2009
What's in my bag?
Valentine's Day was a blast this year. Jeremy and I went to eat, did a little shopping at Target and checked out a movie we have been wanting to see - Taken. (Which by the way, is great!)
And...Happy Valentine's Day to me....
I picked it out a few months back and he remembered! Maybe it is because I would not let him forget...ha!
Now that I have time since we are 80% completed with moving in, it is time for the purse post...
Jennifer tagged me and the rules are as follows:
2. I want to know how much it costs. And this is not to judge. It is for entertainment purposes only. So, spill it. And, if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I'd love to hear it.
3. Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you're showing everyone your bag.
Here it goes...
If you already read the top of this post, you know the story on the bag. It cost $90.00 on sale from $135.00. This is the reason it is a present...I could never justify spending $90.00 on a bag.
Inside is my wallet, the checkbook, a few bobby pins, a thing of Vaseline and two tubes of chap stick (I am addicted), a few pieces of paperwork, some mail, two nickels, and a computer game of the girls'. There is also some Bath and Body hand lotion and some Total Control. girls are it....
Whitney at I'm Lovin' This Life
Alicia at Just Another Day in My Paradise
Teisha at The Three LeDures
Ashley at Camden's Mommy
Jessica at My Life as a Mommy and Wife
Ashley at Mrs. 007
Bev at A Baby? Maybe... along too but I didn't know if you wanted me to link you because you are private and Kara...I think you have been tagged.
Enjoy and have fun!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
10:36 AM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Menu Plan Monday

Monday: BBQ Pork Tenderloin & Corn on the Cob
Tuesday: Stuffing-Topped Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Green Beans
Thursday: Betty Crocker's Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken & Mexican Style Rice
Friday: Homemade Pizza (Recipe to follow in separate post.)
Saturday: Dinner out
Sunday: Leftover Buffet
Need some recipe ideas? Go to Laura's for more Menu Plan Monday.
Want to start Menu-Planning? See the details here.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:57 PM
Labels: Menu Planning
Bargain Meal of the Week: Aldi's
2 packages of broccoli - $1.98
1 14 oz. bag of shredded Cheddar Cheese - $2.49
Total: $4.47
Meal Idea: Awesome Broccoli Casserole
I hope you enjoy this bargain meal! Be sure and browse all of the Bargain Meals.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:28 PM
Labels: Aldi's Bargain Meal of the Week
Bargain Meal of the Week: Schnuck's
Chicken Thighs - $1.39/lb.
Russet Potatoes - $2.99/10 lb. bag
Buy two ponuds of chicken thighs for $2.78. Add that to one 10 lb. bag if potatoes for $2.99. (You will have plenty for future use.)
Total: $5.77
Meal Idea: Oven Fried Chicken, Potato Wedges and a vegetable of your choice.
I hope you enjoy this bargain meal! Be sure and browse all of the Bargain Meals.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:14 PM
Bargain Meal of the Week: Kroger
Ground Beef - 1.99/lb.
Ragu Pasta Sauce - $1.58
Sweet Italian Bread - $1.50/ loaf
Buy one pound of ground beef for $1.99, one jar of Ragu Pasta Sauce a loaf of Sweet Italian Bread for $1.50.
Total: $5.07
Meal Idea: Baked Spaghetti and Toasted Sweet Italian Bread
I hope you enjoy this bargain meal! Be sure and browse all of the Bargain Meals.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
7:12 PM
Labels: Kroger Bargain Meal of the Week
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
Today is Macie & Zoa Valentine's Day parties. Earlier in the week, I found these valentines. They are so cute so yesterday that was my mission. Emily stuffed the bags for me...thanks Em!! Last night, we tied the bows and connected it all. They turned out great!!
My pictures I have are not the greatest, but I will show you a box full of the finished product...
We also made the teacher's valentines and once again, the lighting in the new house is not the greatest so the pictures are really dark. But you have the link to look at them.
I know I have talked about Family Fun in the past, but it really does have some really cute ideas! If you don't get the magazine, you can look at all their crafts and other things online.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
7:49 AM
Labels: Holidays, Macie, School Days, Zoa
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: Moving is Hard Work...
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
10:47 PM
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
Tackle It Tuesday: The pit I call my car
I have always wanted to participate in Tackle It Tuesday but always forget about it until Tuesday morning. Since I am not a SAHM, it pretty much means I am too late. But, this past Sunday, I tackled my car so I am posting about that.
The weather was great on Sunday so I thought it would be a perfect day to clean my car.
My car is where I live. Not really, but I might as well live there. It is always dirty so like my older sister said, "When I have the motivation to clean it, I better. It does not come around very often."

Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
7:30 AM
Labels: Tackles
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Menu Plan Monday
Once again, no menu this week. It will be whatever we can find (which I'm sure will not be very balanced!). We have been packing and moving all weekend and we are still at it. We have to be out of our house Thursday so my menu will return (thankfully) next week.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
10:03 PM
Labels: Menu Planning
Bargain Meal of the Week: Kroger
Hello and welcome from 5 Dollar Dinners!
For those of you who aren't familiar with 5 Dollar Dinners, Erin is on a mission to make dinner every night for less than $5.00. You should check her out if you are in the need for good food that does not cost a fortune. Myself, along with several other people, are contributing to 5 Dollar Dinner's new feature, "Bargain Meal of the Week".
Pork Chops- $1.99/lb.
Asparagus Spears - $1.79/lb.
Organic Cameo Apples - $.98/lb.
Purchase 1.5 lbs. of pork chops for $2.99 and 1 bunch of asparagus for $.99. Add to that 1.5 lbs. of apples for $1.97.
Total: $5.95
Meal Idea:
Pork Chops & Apples with Sauteed Asparagus (The recipe needs to be adjusted to feed a family of four.)
I hope you enjoy this bargain meal! Be sure and browse all of the Bargain Meals.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:18 PM
Labels: Kroger Bargain Meal of the Week
Bargain Meal of the Week: Schnuck's
Hello and welcome from 5 Dollar Dinners!
For those of you who aren't familiar with 5 Dollar Dinners, Erin is on a mission to make dinner every night for less than $5.00. You should check her out if you are in the need for good food that does not cost a fortune. Myself, along with several other people, are contributing to 5 Dollar Dinner's new feature, "Bargain Meal of the Week".
Without further ado...
Bone-in Chicken Breast - $.89/lb.
Organic Baby Carrots - $1.50
Fresh Broccoli - $1.50
For a family of four, purchase 2 lbs. of chicken breast, allowing each person 8oz., for a total of $1.78. Add to that 1 bag of carrots for $1.50 and 1lb. of broccoli for $1.50.
Total: $4.78
Meal Idea:
Delicious Baked Chicken and Roasted Carrots & Broccoli
I hope you enjoy this bargain meal! Be sure and browse all of the Bargain Meals.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:18 PM
Bargain Meal of the Week: Aldi's
Hello and welcome from 5 Dollar Dinners!
For those of you who aren't familiar with 5 Dollar Dinners, Erin is on a mission to make dinner every night for less than $5.00. You should check her out if you are in the need for good food that does not cost a fortune. Myself, along with several other people, are contributing to 5 Dollar Dinner's new feature, "Bargain Meal of the Week".
Pork Tenderloin - $3.99/lb.
Mashed Potatoes - $.97
Green Beans - $1.59
Get 1 lb. of pork tenderloin for $3.99. Add Butter and Herb Mashed Potatoes at $.97/box and 1 bag of green beans for $1.59.
Total: $6.55
Meal Idea:
Glazed Pork Tenderloin, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans
I hope you enjoy this bargain meal! Be sure and browse all of the Bargain Meals.
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:01 PM
Labels: Aldi's Bargain Meal of the Week
Thursday, February 5, 2009
1. That's how old I am.
2. I heavily salt everything, but I have excellent blood pressure.
3. I'd rather talk on the phone than text.
4. I love to cook.
5. It's hard to remember to eat throughout the day...I don't really get hungry.
6. I love coffee with hazelnut creamer.
7. I have dark circles under my eyes and it drives me nuts!
8. I can type really fast but I peck...I need to learn the right way to type.
9. I have really been trying to persuade Jeremy to turn the TV off for one week. He resists.
10. My gut feeling about people are 99% accurate.
11. I do not believe in horoscopes, but I read them just because.
12. I constantly think of ways we can save more money.
13. I find coupons in the most random places in my house. "That's where it is!"
14. I am letting my hair grow back out...I am a long hair kind of girl.
15. I think I have an addiction to the internet...just five more minutes.
16. I am not a morning person. Never. Ever.
17. I am intrigued by the human mind.
18. Many of my post are scheduled posts. (Including this one.)
19. I love to buy the girls new clothes and have them try it all on so I can see how dang cute it is!
20. Starting next week, I will be part of a multi-blog feature. Stay tuned!
21. I really want a Boxer dog.
22. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Kate from Jon and Kate Plus 8.
23. Guilty pleasure...Disney channel. Without the girls.
24. I hang everything up to dry.
25. Macie and I are usually the ones asleep early...Jer and Zoa can hang out all night long.
I played along with some friends by doing this...let me know if you do!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
11:37 AM
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Winter Blahs...
I think winter has gotten the best of me. I have been so tired. The last two nights, I have been in bed by 9:00, which for me is huge, considering I usually am in bed no earlier than 10:30. I definitely need some sunlight...nothing like good, natural Vitamin D to perk your spirits and energize your mind. Anyone else been this way?
Tonight, Emily (a coworker and cousin of mine) and Ashley (Emily's sister and my cousin), are going to hang out at my new house and clean it before we start moving in. As a mom, it should actually be a bit fun to spend an evening with adult girls, although we can act a bit childish!
Oh...Zoa has a new phrase...
"...You hurt my feelings! Thanks a lot guys!!"
Very cute and funny, but sad at the same time. I don't want to hurt her feelings!
Drama queen, but not as bad as her older sister.
That's it for now...hope you have a great Wednesday!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
9:13 AM
Monday, February 2, 2009
The No Menu Week
There will be no menu this week. After last week's $100.00 shopping trip to buy all of our food, the plan has changed. I refuse to double our grocery budget when I know I can feed Jeremy and I small meals all day long for much cheaper. Any small meal suggestions would be helpful to help avoid a repetitive menu for Jeremy and I!
The plan this week will be fast, out of the pantry dinners...our new house needs a deep cleaning before moving and once we get it cleaned, I will slowly be bringing boxes down.
Here's to another busy week!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
8:14 PM
Labels: Menu Planning
Hundreds of Free Photos from Arts Cow!
Just had to share...
If you join Arts Cow as a new member, you will receive 600 4 x 6 photos and 600 5 x 7 photos free! These photo credits will be distributed over a six month period, so you will get 100 in February, 100 in March, etc. On top of that, you will get 600 free 4 x 6 that will be distributed the same way!
Once you register, click "Credit and Discounts" and enter FREE600PRINTS to put these credits in your account.
If you are an existing member, use coupon code FREE600PRINTS to get 600 free 4 x 6 photos.
Even though you still have to pay shipping, it still is a great time to print all those holiday pictures!
Posted by
Alaina @ Three Ladies and a Dad
1:00 PM
Labels: Coupons